Release of the Film ‘Ir. H. Djuanda: Unifier of the Indonesian Seas’ Attended by Various Figures’ — On this meaningful day, prominent figures from various backgrounds have gathered for a special event to celebrate the highly anticipated release of the film “Ir H Djuanda: Unifier of Indonesia’s Seas”.

The event was graced by the presence of esteemed individuals from various institutions and organizations that contributed to bringing this inspirational story to the big screen.

Among the distinguished guests were Ismeth Wibowo, the eldest grandson of the national figure Ir. H. Djuanda, who attended alongside Shahandra Hanityo, representing the extended family. The entire family takes great pride in the honor bestowed upon their grandfather through this film.

Ismeth Wibowo, the eldest grandson of Ir. H. Djuanda, and Shahandra Hanitiyo made a special journey to Yogyakarta, representing the extended family.

The event was also enriched by the presence of renowned figures like Era and Aditya from Mixpro, Asep Irwan from CJ Cinemas/CJ CGV Indonesia, as well as Director Antonius Widodo Mulyono and representatives from BCA, Dovi Kurniawan, Head of BCA Yogyakarta KCU, Hanum from the Relationship Institution, and Riry from CSR.

These figures exemplify true cross-sector collaboration in realizing this monumental work.

Furthermore, key figures from PP Muhammadiyah were also in attendance, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, Chairman of LSB, Prof. Irwan Akib, Head of Education, Culture, and Sports Division, Sukriyanto AR, and Dr. Nurul Yamin, Chairman of the Empowerment Council. Their presence underscores the importance of the values passed down by Ir. H. Djuanda in the context of struggle and leadership.

This film is the remarkable result of collaboration between the Cultural and Art Institution (LSB) of the Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah, BCA, and Mixpro. The film’s production goes beyond being a mere historical documentation; it is a tangible expression of dedication to preserving national values.

“Ir H Djuanda: Unifier of Indonesia’s Seas” highlights the extraordinary figure of Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja, a true leader and fighter who not only contributed to securing the nation’s sovereignty but also left behind values of leadership, moderation, and unity that bind Indonesia.

Director Ery Isnanto and producer Andika Prabhangkara meticulously present the life journey and significant role of Ir. H. Djuanda in Indonesian history.

State-of-the-art technology, including the combination of Unreal Engine and Dolby Atmos, was employed during production to provide audiences with a profound visual and audio experience.

The film will be showcased in CGV theaters and Muhammadiyah’s Pop Up Cinema across Indonesia, reaching audiences through a comprehensive distribution system.

The primary aim is to ensure that the messages and essential values of this national figure reach people of all backgrounds, particularly the younger generation, who are the nation’s future.

As a remarkable example of collaboration in safeguarding and disseminating national values, this film strives not only to remind us of the significance of the past but also to inspire us to build a better future.

We cordially invite everyone to watch “Ir H Djuanda: Unifier of Indonesia’s Seas” and draw wisdom and inspiration from the extraordinary journey of a true leader and fighter, Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja.

As known, Ir. Djuanda was a Muhammadiyah cadre from West Java. He epitomizes a true Muhammadiyah figure – someone closely linked to education.

Religion played a vital role in aiding every nation-building process, from resolving conflicts, establishing state regulations, to conducting oneself even in the face of colonialism. These values were imparted by Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan in Muhammadiyah.

Ir. Djunda’s proficiency is what enabled the integration of Indonesia’s territories despite being separated by seas until today.

The name Ir. H. Djuanda is immortalized in the Surabaya International Airport, the Multipurpose Reservoir in Jatiluhur Purwakarta, the Taman Hutan Raya in Bandung, and the Djuanda University in Bogor, among others.

Ir. Djuanda held key positions such as Minister of Transportation, Minister of Finance, Minister of Public Works, Minister of Defense, Director of the National Planning Bureau (the precursor to the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas), and the first Head of the Indonesian Railway Authority.

Djuanda is the third most significant figure after the iconic duo Soekarno-Hatta. This is evident from Djuanda’s portrayal on the 50,000 Indonesian rupiah banknote, while Soekarno and Hatta are featured on the 100,000 rupiah note.

He played an immense role for the country, from the Dutch colonial period, Japanese occupation, the arrival of NICA forces, to ultimately achieving full Indonesian sovereignty and contributing to early post-independence developments.

Djuanda, an engineer by profession, was a quiet figure. His most notable contribution to Indonesian history is the Djuanda Declaration.

During his tenure as Prime Minister/First Minister, Ir. H. Djuanda was appointed acting President by President Soekarno on several occasions when Soekarno was abroad.

The concept of national territorial unity he introduced is not just a combination of land and sea, but also encompasses the airspace above and all the natural resources within Indonesia’s land.

The Djuanda Declaration stands as one of the three main pillars of Indonesia’s national unity: the Unity of Spirit declared in the Youth Pledge of 1928, the Unity of the State embodied in the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence by Soekarno-Hatta in 1945, and the Unity of Territory (land, sea, air, and natural resources) proclaimed by Djuanda in 1957.

The importance of Djuanda’s figure to Indonesia is the primary reason for depicting his story in a film. Djuanda’s contributions should be known by the entire Indonesian population and the world at large.

For the younger generation, this film will not only provide historical insights into Djuanda’s biography but also offer valuable lessons that can be applied to their own lives – teaching them how to contribute to nation-building within their capacities and abilities. This is the message conveyed by Djuanda’s example.

To be useful, to be a hero, does not necessitate bearing arms or engaging in confrontations. Nation-building can be accomplished from one’s desk and chair, as long as it is driven by focused intentions and goals.

Beyond showcasing his heroic qualities, this film will also shed light on another facet of Djuanda – a progressive, modern, and open-minded Muslim.

The objective of this film is to bring Djuanda Kartawidjaja closer to the audience and emphasize his significant role in Indonesia’s history. Djuanda Kartawidjaja played an indispensable role in shaping Indonesia’s past. He held the position of a minister 17 times, contributing to the nation’s sovereignty from the colonial era to the period of independence.

The film will also highlight another dimension of Djuanda as a forward-thinking and moderate Muslim who remains committed to his faith. The positive messages and values conveyed through this film are aimed at inspiring the young generation of Indonesia.


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