Promoting the Development of Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Ecosystem in Indonesia

"Sunra Indonesia's Advisor, Ismeth Wibowo, and the Board of Directors of PT SNS Motor Manufaktur after the Signing Ceremony of Five Ecosystem Collaboration Agreements in KBLBB."

Five KBLBB ecosystem cooperation agreements were signed — Promoting the Development of Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Ecosystem in Indonesia

On September 14, 2023, the IB Sujana Building at the Center for Electric Vehicle Battery Testing and Survey (KEBTKE) in Jakarta bore witness to the launch of the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle (BEV) Ecosystem Development Initiative, initiated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.

This event marks a significant step in accelerating the growth of the domestic BEV industry and the provision of electric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Since the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019, the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Acceleration Program has become a government priority in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and replacing conventional fossil fuel-based vehicles with eco-friendly battery-based vehicles.

In its implementation, this event involved various stakeholders with crucial roles within the electric vehicle ecosystem.

Director-General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, emphasized that accelerating the development of the BEV industry and its component sectors is pivotal for the success of this program. This marks a crucial step towards expediting the transition to battery-based vehicles in Indonesia.

Among the notable attendees at the event were Director-General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, Deputy for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment Rachmat Kaimudin, Director of Retail and Commercial at PT PLN Edi Srimulyanti, Head of BBSP KEBTKE at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Senda Hurmuzan Kanam, Sub-director of Dinar Maharani, CEO of Inventus Power Patrick Trippel, Sunra Indonesia Advisor Ismeth Wibowo, Chairman of PT SNS Motor Manufacturing Surya Adiwijaya, Lisa, and CEO of WIMA Bernardi Djumiril, along with representatives from Indonesia Battery Corporation Doddy.  Also present were representatives of Iconplus Takum

Collaboration between the government, private companies, and electric vehicle manufacturers is crucial in realizing Indonesia’s vision as a leader in the electric vehicle industry in Southeast Asia.

One highlight of the event was the announcement of a government assistance program amounting to Rp 7,000,000 per unit to support the adoption of battery-based electric vehicles by the public.

Additionally, the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Public Charging Station conversion into Battery Rental Stations (SPBKLU) program was introduced to facilitate sustainable mobility nationwide.

In creating a robust electric vehicle and battery ecosystem, strategic partnerships with companies like SUNRA Electric Vehicle from China were established.

SUNRA, one of China’s leading electric motorcycle manufacturers, supports the acceleration of the electric motorcycle subsidy program, which was previously progressing slowly.

The introduction of electric motorcycles from SUNRA Electric Vehicle, adopting a “trade-in” concept, provides an opportunity for the public to exchange their old motorcycles for brand-new SUNRA Electric Vehicle motorcycles while utilizing SPBKLU-PLN in the future.

It is essential to note that five work agreements related to the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Program (KBLBB) have been signed, including the agreement for the development of Electric Vehicle Public Charging Stations (SPBKLU) between the Center for Electric Vehicle Battery Testing and Survey, New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (BBSP KEBTKE) with PT PLN (Persero), as well as agreements on Micro-Grid Development and BBSP KEBTKE Plant development, also with PT PLN (Persero).

The BEV Ecosystem Development event is a tangible step towards realizing Indonesia’s vision as an environmentally friendly nation committed to mitigating climate change impacts through the transition to battery-based electric vehicles.

With the cooperation of the government, industry, and relevant stakeholders, Indonesia is poised to become a leader in the electric vehicle industry on a regional and global scale.

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