Pancasila Parade Captivates Thousands of Jakarta Residents — Pancasila Parade Captivates Thousands of Jakarta Residents

Something extraordinary marked today’s Car Free Day (CFD) on Jalan M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta, Sunday (May 26). The faint sounds of a marching band could be heard from the vicinity of BNI City Station.

The Gita Abdi Praja Marching Band from IPDN Jatinangor became louder as the parade procession moved from the General Soedirman Statue.

Alongside the IPDN Drum Band, dozens of Betawi Tanjidor artists also enlivened the Pancasila Parade with traditional Nusantara songs.

The Tanjidor performers, not just the young, but also many senior musicians, including the elderly who danced joyfully while playing their trumpets, were a highlight.

The Pancasila Parade, themed “From Jakarta to Nusantara,” was organized by the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP) in anticipation of the upcoming Pancasila Day on June 1, 2024.

BPIP Head, Prof. Drs. K.H. Yudian Wahyudi, M.A., Ph.D., stated that this event is a way to express gratitude for Pancasila as a blessing for the Indonesian nation.

“This event is to remind the younger generation that we have Pancasila, which has proven to liberate us from colonialism and unite us in the Republic of Indonesia.”

“In this way, we are equal before the law. Therefore, in religious terms, we need to be grateful,” said Prof. Yudian.

Meanwhile, BPIP Deputy Head, Dr. Rima Agristina, S.E., S.H., M.M., explained that the Pancasila Parade is BPIP’s effort to encourage the public to maintain harmony in the diversity of the Indonesian nation.

“Today, BPIP is holding the Pancasila Parade, also conveying the message to the public that this year’s Pancasila Day theme is ‘Pancasila, the Unifying Spirit of the Nation towards Golden Indonesia 2045.’”

“Therefore, we invite the public to maintain unity, solidarity, and cooperation within the framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity),” said Rima.

Thousands of people attending the CFD in Jakarta appeared enthusiastic as they watched the miniature representation of Indonesia showcased in the Pancasila Parade. Many took selfies, shared them on social media, and even approached the parade participants.

This year’s Pancasila Parade was also enlivened by the Purna Paskibraka of DKI Jakarta Province, who marched in formation, carrying a 300-meter-long red-and-white flag.

The National Level Purna Paskibraka 2023 will be tasked with raising the Red-and-White Flag at the State Ceremony for the Pancasila Day Commemoration 2024, which will be held in Blok Rokan, Dumai, Riau Province, on June 1, 2024.

The Indonesian government urges the public to participate in the Pancasila Day Commemoration Ceremony on June 1, 2024, through National TV, BPIP’s YouTube channel, BPMI Presidential Secretariat, or by attending the ceremony at their respective institutions.


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