Kwarnas Suspects The Removal Of Scouts Will Weaken Future Indonesian Leadership –– KWARNAS SUSPECTS THE REMOVAL OF SCOUTS WILL WEAKEN FUTURE INDONESIAN LEADERSHIP

The National Scout Movement (Kwarnas) Chief Commissioner General Police (Retired) Budi Waseso emphasized that Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation (Permendikbudristek) Number 12 of 2024, which “removes” Scouts as a mandatory extracurricular activity in schools, is a covert attempt to weaken Indonesia’s future leadership and erase the nation’s identity.

“We suspect indications in that direction carried out subtly and systematically. In discussions with leaders of regional scout councils (kwarda) throughout Indonesia and also Kwarnas, everyone sees the same thing,” said Budi Waseso after opening the 2024 National Scout Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Depok, West Java, on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

In the Rakernas attended by 34 regional scout councils (kwarda) from across Indonesia, Budi Waseso stated that all kwarda leaders unanimously rejected Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 and signed a joint statement urging the Ministry of Education and Culture to immediately revoke the ministerial regulation. The joint statement will then be delivered to President Joko Widodo for a joint meeting to be held as soon as possible.

“The existence of Permendikbudristek is irrelevant to the current era, which has experienced a decline in moral values and cultural norms, a decrease in discipline, and a weakening of nationalism and patriotism. In my opinion, Scout activities are very appropriate and must remain a mandatory activity in schools,” said the former Head of the National Narcotics Agency.

Former CEO of Bulog continued, in schools today, there are many incidents of bullying, drug abuse, pornography, and clashes, hence education, training, as well as the formation of attitudes and behaviors in Scouts remain very relevant and appropriate to be given to students in order to prevent them from being involved in negative activities.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of Kwarnas Scouts, Major General TNI (Retired) Bachtiar Utomo, stated that the situation can be likened to a proxy war, where certain actors attempt to indirectly divide the nation, but astute national leaders can detect these symptoms.

“In a strategic perspective, this is dangerous. That’s why Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 must be revised and still include Scout activities as mandatory extracurricular or part of the curriculum as stipulated previously in Permendikbud Number 63 of 2014, not just verbally in the media, and it must be clearly stated in black and white,” said Bachtiar, who once served as the Commander of Kodam Wirabuana.

Scout’s Position Statement

In the Rakernas held from April 24 to 26, 2024, at the Scout Headquarters in Taman Wiladatika Cibubur, Depok, 34 regional scout councils from across Indonesia collectively signed a position statement regarding Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024. The position statement contains three important points.

Firstly, the nation’s character education begins with the young generation, especially students at the elementary and secondary levels. Secondly, the formation of the nation’s character is crucial to continue national development in human resource development towards national goals as mandated by the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. Thirdly, Kwarnas leaders along with regional council chairpersons throughout Indonesia propose to the Minister of Education and Culture to revise the regulation and make Scouts a mandatory extracurricular activity in primary and secondary education as stipulated in Permendikbud Number 63 of 2014.

Budi Waseso stated that Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 harms the nation and the state, not just Scouts, because the character education of the young generation includes the formation of the nation’s integrity in realizing the vision of Indonesia Emas in 2045.

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