Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja: Pioneer of Railways and Defender of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty — – The extended family of Djuanda, comprising children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, recently paid a momentous visit to the headquarters of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Indonesian Railway Company) in Bandung.

This special gathering was marked by a warm exchange of pleasantries and a gracious invitation extended by the Chief Executive Officer of PT KAI, Mr. Didiek Hartantyo, along with other members of the Board of Directors.

Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja is not only remembered as the 10th Prime Minister of Indonesia but also as a figure with significant contributions to the determination of Indonesia’s maritime boundaries. In 1957, he issued the Djuanda Declaration, declaring the Indonesian sea as a unified territory of the Republic of Indonesia, encompassing the surrounding, inter-island, and inland seas—an assertion that laid the foundation for recognizing Indonesia as an archipelagic state.

Historically, Ir. H. Djuanda also served as the first Chief Executive of PT Kereta Api Indonesia. As a railway hero, he played a crucial role in the takeover of the railway company from the Japanese government. During the early days of railway operations, Djuanda addressed the discomfort, particularly the sensation known as “Goyang Djuanda,” a term that went viral at the time due to the noticeable vibrations inside the train.

Djuanda later led the Railway Department for the Java and Madura regions and served as the Minister of Transportation. In recognition of his services, he was honored as a national hero, and his name is immortalized in various significant facilities, including airports, parks, roads, stations, and the use of the name Ir. H. Djuanda for the PT KAI Training Center.

One notable occasion was the invitation extended to the Djuanda family by the KAI Directorate to experience the Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh high-speed train. This project marked Indonesia’s first high-speed train, providing a modern and futuristic travel experience. The Djuanda family enjoyed luxurious amenities, including plush seats, televisions, and electrical outlets at each seat.

Another memorable experience was the family’s visit to the PT Kereta Api Indonesia headquarters in Bandung. They explored an underground bunker now used as a railway archive space, dating back several decades. This bunker is believed to have been constructed during the Dutch colonial era for military entry and exit routes.

Ir. H. Djuanda’s legacy is also evident in the use of inspection trains by high-ranking officials. The Djuanda family was invited to experience the Inspection Train, a vehicle specially designed for officials for technical inspections and operational assessments of railway infrastructure and facilities.

Although Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja passed away on November 7, 1963, due to a heart attack, his legacy lives on through various buildings and crucial facilities in Indonesia named in his honor. Recognized as a National Hero on November 29, 1963, his remains rest in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, South Jakarta.

The extended family of Ir. H. Djuanda and Ibu Hj. Yuliana Djuanda continues to be an integral part of Indonesia’s history, with each descendant contributing to the ongoing struggle and positive contributions to the nation.


Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja: Pioneer of Railways and Defender of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty

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