Grand Wedding of Grandson of Dr Al Habib Muhammad Lutfhi bin Yahya: A Joyous Celebration with Thousands of Residents of Pekalongan — Grand Wedding of Grandson of Dr. Al Habib Muhammad Lutfhi bin Yahya: A Joyous Celebration with Thousands of Residents of Pekalongan

Thousands of residents of Pekalongan, along with invited guests from across Indonesia, gathered to celebrate the wedding ceremony of the grandson of Dr. Al Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Ali bin Yahya.

Dr. Al Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Ali bin Yahya, a charismatic and influential scholar.

Habib Luthfi’s son, Muhammad Baha’udin Alawy Bin Yahya, married his daughter this Friday.

The bride Fatimahuzahra Al Khusainiyah Yahya, daughter of Muhammad Baha’udin Alawy Bin Yahya and Mia Jasmine, was married by Ahmad Husein Haekal Alkaff, son of Dr Kamal Adib AlKaff and Drg Dina Suciati.

The event, which commenced at 07:00 AM Western Indonesian Time, was also graced by the presence of Ismeth Wibowo, Commissioner of PT Sunra Asia Pacific High-Tech. Ismeth Wibowo’s presence, from the Midodareni ceremony last night to tonight’s reception at Hotel Pekalongan, exemplifies the support and solidarity during this special moment.

The wedding procession and congratulatory remarks were attended by various important figures, state officials, as well as representatives from the military and police, adding warmth to the occasion.

Not only the elites but also ordinary citizens enlivened the atmosphere with their presence, filling the venue with joy and festivity.

Thus, this wedding event not only marks a moment of joy for the extended family of Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Ali bin Yahya but also serves as a moment for various layers of society to come together.

Asri Hadi, Ahmed Kurnia, and Ismet Wibowo witnessed and participated in the joyous occasion.  Also seen were Nyono Tirtowijoyo and Nyono Poenomo from the Tiwu Manis sugar factory, PT Wahana Gula Investama, Imanuele Stevie and Mulyadi Harja. Also present was the Moroccan Ambassador to Indonesia, Ambassador Ouadia

They also prayed for the marriage to be blessed and to bring lasting happiness to the newlyweds, inspiring all present to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and togetherness in community life.


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