Family Members of National Heroes Featured on the Rupiah Attend FERBI 2024  — Family Members of National Heroes Featured on the Rupiah Attend FERBI 2024

In celebration of the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia once again hosted the Festival Rupiah Berdaulat Indonesia (FERBI) at Istora Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno Complex, Central Jakarta.

The event was officially opened by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, who delivered his remarks virtually.

In his speech, Perry Warjiyo emphasized the importance of public awareness of the Rupiah as a symbol of national sovereignty.

“The Rupiah is a currency that symbolizes national sovereignty and must be protected and cherished by all citizens of Indonesia.”

“The Rupiah also reflects the identity and symbol of the nation, featuring the Garuda Pancasila emblem and the phrase NKRI.”

“The Rupiah is a window to Indonesia, where through its design, we can see the nation’s historical journey, cultural diversity, and wealth,” he stated.

FERBI 2024 adopted the theme “Rupiah, Ambassador of Indonesia,” highlighting the Rupiah’s role as a reflection of Indonesia’s diversity in strengthening unity and nationalism.

The opening ceremony was led by Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Doni P. Joewono, accompanied by several partner institutions involved in the circulation of Rupiah, including ministries, the National Police, the Indonesian Navy, Peruri, and banking institutions.

During the event, Bank Indonesia also launched a book titled “Rupiah for National Sovereignty,” inaugurated by Governor Perry Warjiyo.

The book unveils historical and chronological facts about the Rupiah and compiles a collage of Bank Indonesia’s efforts to bring the Rupiah closer to the people, overcoming various challenges.

It is hoped that this book will serve as a valuable literacy reference for the public in understanding the history of the Rupiah as the currency of the Republic of Indonesia.

The event was attended by various notable figures, including the eldest daughter of the Proclamator of Independence and former Vice President Bung Hatta, Prof. Dr. Meutia Farida Swasono, Dra. Noorwati Djuanda and Ismeth Wibowo from the family of National Hero Ir. H. Djuanda, as well as the granddaughter of National Hero Husni Thamrin, Dra. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono.

In addition, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Doni Primanto Joewono, Assistant Operations to the Navy Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral TNI Yayan Sofiyan, Director of Operations of the National Police Mobile Brigade Corps, Brigadier General Pol Drs. Rudy Harianto, and Head of the Currency Management Department of Bank Indonesia, Marlison Hakim, were also in attendance.

The series of events at FERBI 2024 also included a National Dialogue themed “Indonesia Maju,” involving the families of national heroes, educators, and policymakers from border regions of the Republic of Indonesia.

This discussion aimed to explore messages of unity within the framework of diversity, as reflected in the Rupiah, and to strengthen the spirit of nationalism and national character.

FERBI 2024 also featured various other exciting activities, such as the “Rupiah, Ambassador of Indonesia” exhibition, coin and commemorative Rupiah exchange services for the 75th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence with a denomination of IDR 75,000, the Love, Pride, Understand (CBP) Rupiah competition, and Rupiah stage entertainment.

This event was open to the public and free for all to attend.

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