BRI Menara Brilian Branch Hosts Ramadhan Event at Kalibata City Square

Indonesiantalk.comBRI Menara Brilian Branch Hosts Ramadhan Event at Kalibata City Square

To welcome the holy month of Ramadhan, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Menara Brilian Branch organized a series of religious and social activities within the Menara Brilian area.

The event aimed to strengthen community ties and enhance social awareness and welfare among employees, the surrounding community, and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The series of events included communal iftar and donations at BRI Menara Brilian Branch, as well as a 2024 MSME product bazaar held at Kalibata City Square as a form of community care.

Mr. Yoga Aditya Pratama, the Branch Manager of BRI Menara Brilian, emphasized the importance of maintaining togetherness during the holy month of Ramadhan.

He also expressed his hope that this event would bring blessings and benefits to all involved parties.

“We at BRI Menara Brilian Branch are very enthusiastic about welcoming this holy month of Ramadhan.”

“Through the various activities we organize, we aim to strengthen the sense of togetherness and social care within our employees and the surrounding community.”

“May what we organize bring blessings and benefits to all,” said Mr. Yoga Aditya Pratama.

The event was also attended by various groups, ranging from BRI employees, MSME entrepreneurs, to local residents.

The atmosphere of togetherness and family was palpable throughout the event, adding to the solemnity and joy of worshiping in the month of Ramadhan.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia is committed to continuously supporting religious and social activities that benefit the community. Through various CSR programs, BRI hopes to make a positive and tangible contribution to improving community welfare.

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